Thursday, December 12, 2019
Saturday, November 9, 2019
वी आर एस स्कीम -अनिश्चितता से निश्चितता की ओर
केंद्रीय कैबिनेट द्वारा दिनाँक 04 नवम्बर को वी आर एस को घोषणा के साथ ही इस गोल्डन हैंडशेक स्कीम को लोगों का गोल्डन रिस्पॉन्स मिला और लोगों ने इसे हाथों हाथ लिया ।विंडो खुलने के मात्र 2-4 दिवसों में वी आर एस लेने वालों का आँकड़ा 50 हज़ार पार कर गया।
पर अभी भी कुछ लोग बाकी रह गए हैं जिनके लिए यह लेख पथप्रदर्शक के रूप में काम आएगा।अंत तक पढ़ें जरूर।।
आचार्य चाणक्य की नीति से उदधृत एक श्लोक
यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवं परिषेवते।
ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति अध्रुवं नष्टमेव हि।।
इस श्लोक का अर्थ है कि जो व्यक्ति निश्चित वस्तुओं को छोड़कर अनिश्चित वस्तुओं की ओर भागता है उसके हाथों से दोनों ही वस्तुएं निकल जाती है। अत: जीवन में निर्धारित लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए इस प्रकार की गलतियां हमें नहीं करना चाहिए।
यहाँ यह जानने की ज़रुरत है कि निश्चित व अनिश्चित BSNL के परिप्रेक्ष्य में क्या हैं। चलिए देखते हैं -
1. वी आर एस के लाभ निश्चित रूप से मिल रहे हैं क्या?
2.वी आर एस स्कीम असफल होने पर बी एस एन एल का भविष्य अथवा आपका वेतन प्रति माह निश्चित है क्या?
3.वी आर एस स्कीम के सफल होने पर भी क्या बी एस एन एल का वी आर एस के बाद भविष्य निश्चित है क्या अथवा आपका वेतन निश्चित है क्या?
4.क्या आपकी सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु 60 ही रहेगी अथवा निकट भविष्य में 58 वर्ष की हो जाएगी ,यह निश्चित है क्या?
उपरोक्त बातों के बारे में ध्यान रख कर आप अपना निर्णय ले सकते हैं।
कुछ दिनों से यह देखने मे आ रहा है कि कतिपय नेता अपने जनाधार को खिसकता देख कर ब्रैंस्टोर्मिंग (विचार मंथन) सत्र आयोजित कर रहे हैं ,जिसका उद्देश्य उनके खुद के साथियों का भले अथवा उनके स्वर्णिम भविष्य की कामना अथवा वी आर एस के बाद बी एस एन एल अथवा युवा लोगों के भविष्य के प्रति चिंता(जैसा कि वे सभी को बताते हैं) न होकर एकमात्र यह है कि कैसे भी उनका जनाधार बचा रहे व उनकी नेतागिरी ,चंदे का धंधा,ट्रांसफर पोस्टिंग में भ्रष्टाचार,ब्लैकमेलिंग,डराना,धमकाना इत्यादि चलता रहे।
वैसे भी अगर आप ध्यान दे तो आज जो दिन आपको देखने पढ़ रहे हैं उसके लिये यही लोग जिम्मेदार है।इनके कारण ही आज आपको तीसरे वेतनमान के बिना सेवानिवृत होना पड़ रहा है क्योंकि बी एम एस के प्रयासों के फलस्वरूप फरवरी 2019 में ही सरकार बी एस एन एल को 5% फिटमेंट देने को तैयार हो गई थी पर इनके राजनैतिक आकाओं के हितों के चलते इन्होंने उसे असीकार कर दिया।यह सभी बराबर रूप से दोषी हैं क्योंकि आज भी यह प्रशासन को अपने आप को 90 % अधिकारी/कर्मचारियों का प्रतोनिधि घोषित करते हैं। यह सब्ज़बाग दिखाते फिर रहे हैं कि तीसरा वेतनमान वी आर एस के बाद लगेगा तो लोगों का नुकसान होगा।अगर स्वविवेक से आप सोचे तो आप खुद ही सच्चाई जान जाएंगे कि इनकी बात में कितना दम है।साथियों अगर 1.75 लाख अधिकारी/कर्मचारी होने पर जब यह नही कर पाए तो क्या वी आर एस के बाद मुठ्ठी भर लोग कुछ कर पाएँगे।वैसे भी अब इनको कोई भाव नही दे रहा है और एक महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु यह भी है वी आर एस के बाद के नेता यह उम्रदराज़ लोग नही रहेंगे ,नई ऊर्जा,नई सोच रखने वाले व बहुतायत में बचने वाले सीधी भर्ती वाले युवा ही रहेंगे।यह निश्चित है।
इनके द्वारा लोगों को दिग्भ्रमित करने से अनिश्चितता ही बढ़ेगी क्योंकि अगर लोगों ने वी आर एस नही लिया तो रिवाइवल का द्वितीय सोपान कैसे चढ़ेंगे ।ध्यान रहे रिवाइवल का प्रथम सोपान सफल वी आर एस ही है। अगर बी एस एन एल रहेगा तो ही हम सब रहेंगे।हम सभी को आज जो मान सम्मान मिला है ,जो भी हमे अभी तक मिला है वो बी एस एन एल के कारण ही मिला है ,लेकिन अब यह कर्ज़ चुकाने का समय है और इसके लिए भी भारत के इतिहास में अब तक की एक बहुत ही बेहतरीन योजना हम सब के समक्ष है जिसमे अधिकतम 1.5 करोड़ तक रुपये मिल रहे हैं।
यहाँ कुछ लोगों द्वारा यह भी कहकर भ्रमित किया जा रहा है अभी 85 लाख मिल रहे हैं 60 साल के बाद 1 करोड़ मिलेंगे लेकिन यह बात आप समझे कि मुद्रा/धन का समय के साथ अवमूल्यन/डेप्रिसिएशन होता है।इसको ऐसे समझे कि आज के 10 रुपये ,10 साल बाद 10 रुपये नही रहेंगे वरन 7-8 रुपये के बराबर रहेंगे तो ऐसे में आज जो पैसा मिल रहा वह 60 वर्ष की उम्र के हिसाब से ज्यादा अच्छा है।
यहाँ एक बात और बताने योग्य है कि एक शोध में पाया है कि जितनी कम उम्र में सेवानिवृत्ति होती है मनुष्य की उम्र उतनी ही ज्यादा होती है।
वैसे भी जो भी पैसा कमाया उसे अगर सही उम्र /समय पर उपभोग ही नही कर पाए तो क्या मतलब।60 वर्ष के बाद सभी की शारीरिक स्थिति उतनी अच्छी नही रहती जितने की उस से कम आयु वालों की,इसलिये जो मौका मिला है उसका फायदा उठाईए।
ध्यान रखिये एक निर्णय सही समय पर ही सही होता हैं।
यहाँ पर यह ध्यान देने योग्य तथ्य है कि वीआरएस की स्कीम को DOT के साथ-साथ बीएसएनल रिक्रूटेड साथियों ने भी अपनाया है ,1983, 1992, 1998 और BR 2001 Batch के पात्र अधिकारियों द्वारा भी वीआरएस की स्कीम को समर्थन दिया है। साथियों कोई भी स्कीम सिर्फ इसलिए नकारना उचित नहीं होगा कि व्यक्ति विशेष द्वारा उसको समर्थित नहीं किया जा रहा है यह भी तो देखना होगा कि उस व्यक्ति विशेष का ऐसा क्या लाभ है जिसके कारण स्कीम के लाभों को जनसामान्य तक नहीं पहुंचाया जा रहा शासन द्वारा योजना सर्वजन हिताय के हिसाब से लागू की जाती है इसलिए सबको अपना-अपना पारिवारिक मूल्यांकन एवं भविष्य में आने वाली समस्याओं को देखते हुए निर्णय लेना है आज स्कीम बंद होती है तो दोबारा नहीं आएगी बार-बार कोई बजट देने वाला नहीं है फिर 58 साल होने से 2 साल का नुकसान भी है।
अंत मे एक बात और कुछ अधिकारी/ कर्मचारी जिनसे मेरी चर्चा हुई उनके लिये यह वी आर एस फॉर्म भरने का समय अत्यंत भावुक थे।हम सबकी हार्दिक संवेदनाएं उन सबके के साथ है ।वास्तव में ऐसा होना लाजमी भी है क्योंकि वह यह सब इतना जल्दी होगा ऐसा नही सोच रहे थे ,पर समय धीरे धीरे सारे घाव भर देता है।आगामी तीन माह में सब अपने आप को इस बात के लिये तैयार कर पाएँगे, ऐसी हमारी आशा है । साथ ही , हमें ऐसी आशा ही नही विश्वास भी है उनमें से कई कर्मठ लोग जब भी बी एस एन एल को ज़रूरत होगी जरूर साथ देंगे।
खैर ,जो भी हो निर्णय आप का स्वयं का होना चाहिए ।
अप्प दीपो भवः
कुलदीप आर्य
परिमंडल सचिव
टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर एसोसिएशन म प्र
मो 9425917773
Monday, November 4, 2019
REVIVAL/VRS UPDATE -Meeting with MOC held on 04.11.2019
A meeting was held today on 04.11.2019, between Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad ji, Hon’ble Minister for Communications and the Unions & Associations of BSNL, at Sanchar Bhawan. Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary(Telecom),Sh P K Purwar ,CMD BSNL, Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), BSNL, were also present.
Sh Manoj Dwivedi, President TOABSNL and Anil Tiwari GS TOA BSNL and Sh R.C.Pandey, GS BTEU BSNL, Rajeev Singh, President BTEU Corporate office branch, represented BMS.
A Shawl, bouquet and Sriphal were presented to the Hon’ble Minister.
In his address, the Hon’ble Minister stated that the BSNL revival package, that has been approved by the Cabinet, is the last opportunity to revive the PSU and that everyone should ensure the early revival of BSNL. The Minister reiterated that he has given a Very loud and clear message that, BSNL will not be closed down, disinvested or handed over to a third party. He also laid emphasis on Land monetisation. The Hon’ble Minister further stated that, the various departments would be requested to use BSNL’s services.
As regards VRS, the Hon’ble Minister repeatedly told that it should be made a success. There was a demand for implementation of 3rd PRC to which it was stated that this would be addressed separately at a later stage.
With regards to the quarters under occupation of officials and who apply for VR, they will be allowed to retain till they attain 60 years of age. He further stated for a healthy competition Govt controlled PSU is very much needed.
He further stated that accountability will be fixed from top from now onwards strictly. The MOC has further directed the BSNL management to circulate the details of the VRS package by answering all the apprehensions of the employees immediately.
The BMS delegation thanked the Hon’ble Minister for his efforts in getting BSNL’s revival package approved by the Cabinet and assured him of our continued support.
The delegation of TOA/BTEU BSNL BMS was accompanied by Aigetoa,BESA,BEA,BSNLOA,FNTO and others.
With this a Final Green Signal was shown by MOC and VRS Link was opened Today Dated 04.11.2019 in late Evening around 5 PM but soon Crashed .The link will be reopened tomorrow dated 05.11.2019.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन म प्र की ओर से सभी को दीपावली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ
💥निष्ठापूर्वक अपने कर्तव्य निर्वहन से बढ़कर जीवन में और कोई साधना नहीं हो सकती। वह साधना बिलकुल भी श्रेष्ठ नहीं कही जा सकती जो कर्तव्य निर्वहन से बचने को की जाती हो। घर को छोड़कर गुफाओं में बैठ जाना बड़ी बात नहीं है अपितु घर में रहते हुए कर्तव्य पालन करना बड़ी बात है।
💥वो कर्तव्य ही था जिसके लिए भगवान् राम ने अयोध्या व भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने वृन्दावन का त्याग किया था। घर के लिए कर्तव्य का त्याग नहीं अपितु कर्तव्य के लिए घर का त्याग किया जा सकता है।
💥अगर शबरी, केवट और निषाद जैसे लोग अपने कर्तव्य धर्म पर संलग्न रहेंगे तो फिर श्रीराम को अयोध्या छोड़कर उन्हें दर्शन देने अवश्य वन में जाना पड़ेगा।
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Revival Case - More Updates
Sh Anil Kr Tiwari ,GS TOA BSNL BMS,Sh R C Pandey GS BTEU BSNL BMS,Sh Manoj Kr Dwivedi All India President TOA BSNL BMS were invited by Management to attend meeting for discussing Revival Package approved Yesterday by Cabinet with Board of Directors in Conference Hall at Corporate Office Today on 24.10.2019
The Main points of the meetings are -
1)18000 Crore will be earned from Land Monetisation.
2)Gujarat Pattern VRS.50+ Age For VRS.
3)VRS Target - 80000 Non Executives and Executives.
4)If Target is not Achieved than Retirement Age will be reduced to 58 Years.
CRS will also be applied on the basis of Performance.
5)35 Day's For Service Completed and 25 Day's For Service Ballance. Maximum Amount not more than 125%
6)Date Of implementation of VRS will be Finalized after Cabinet Meeting Minutes.
6) 30 Days Window for exercizing the option for VRS.
7)4G Spectrum Up to December 19
The Main points of the meetings are -
1)18000 Crore will be earned from Land Monetisation.
2)Gujarat Pattern VRS.50+ Age For VRS.
3)VRS Target - 80000 Non Executives and Executives.
4)If Target is not Achieved than Retirement Age will be reduced to 58 Years.
CRS will also be applied on the basis of Performance.
5)35 Day's For Service Completed and 25 Day's For Service Ballance. Maximum Amount not more than 125%
6)Date Of implementation of VRS will be Finalized after Cabinet Meeting Minutes.
6) 30 Days Window for exercizing the option for VRS.
7)4G Spectrum Up to December 19
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
TOA BSNL MP Congrats all for BSNL MTNL Revival Plan Approved Today...
Finally much awaited Revival plan of BSNL MTNL approved by Cabinet Today on 23.10.1019.
TOABSNL MP congratules all and also convey regards and Thanks to Sh Vrijesh Upadhyay GS BMS,Sh V S Subramanian ITEF,Sh Anil Tiwari ,GS TOA ,Sh R C Pandey ji GS BTEU who put in all their efforts for this revival plan to come out amidst all negativity being spread by all other unions ,associations and Media too.
Since day one TOABSNL BMS and BTEU BMS were telling that Revival will surely come and finally succeeded in getting this plan Approved by Govt.
We would also like to Thank PMO,MOC,MOH who gave us all this Diwali Gift.
BSNL/MTNL revival decisions :
⭕VRS package approved
⭕ Employees above 53.5yrs to get 125% benefits for the remaining service.
⭕BSNL-MTNL merger plans.
⭕Assets worth 38K crores to be monetised.
⭕4G spectrum @2016 price.
⭕The GST on spectrum will be adjusted by the Government of India.
⭕Rs 15,000 crore of sovereign bonds will be raised for the operations of BSNL and MTNL.
2. Its works on national clamaties, Kasmir, banks and Army connections
3. Nor Closed, Nor Disinvest, Nor Third party We wants to competitive
BSNL and MTNL Merger Final. Till Merger ,MTNL Will be Subsidiary Company of BSNL.
4. Package
1. 4 G spectrum (at 2016 price) allocated (Waival of GST – 4000 CRORE)
2. 38000 crore inflow
3. Attractive VRS (Not forced. Only Voluntry) 29937 crore ex gration 12678 crore benefits
4. 15000 crore bond
TOABSNL MP congratules all and also convey regards and Thanks to Sh Vrijesh Upadhyay GS BMS,Sh V S Subramanian ITEF,Sh Anil Tiwari ,GS TOA ,Sh R C Pandey ji GS BTEU who put in all their efforts for this revival plan to come out amidst all negativity being spread by all other unions ,associations and Media too.
Since day one TOABSNL BMS and BTEU BMS were telling that Revival will surely come and finally succeeded in getting this plan Approved by Govt.
We would also like to Thank PMO,MOC,MOH who gave us all this Diwali Gift.
BSNL/MTNL revival decisions :
⭕VRS package approved
⭕ Employees above 53.5yrs to get 125% benefits for the remaining service.
⭕BSNL-MTNL merger plans.
⭕Assets worth 38K crores to be monetised.
⭕4G spectrum @2016 price.
⭕The GST on spectrum will be adjusted by the Government of India.
⭕Rs 15,000 crore of sovereign bonds will be raised for the operations of BSNL and MTNL.
2. Its works on national clamaties, Kasmir, banks and Army connections
3. Nor Closed, Nor Disinvest, Nor Third party We wants to competitive
BSNL and MTNL Merger Final. Till Merger ,MTNL Will be Subsidiary Company of BSNL.
4. Package
1. 4 G spectrum (at 2016 price) allocated (Waival of GST – 4000 CRORE)
2. 38000 crore inflow
3. Attractive VRS (Not forced. Only Voluntry) 29937 crore ex gration 12678 crore benefits
4. 15000 crore bond
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
दिनांक 18 अक्टूबर 2019 को होने वाली हड़ताल बावद स्पष्टीकरण
AUAB द्वारा निर्धारित कार्यक्रम दिनांक18-10-2019 को प्रस्तावित भूख हड़ताल, एवं भोजनावकाश पर होने प्रदर्शन का टेलिकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन (BSNL) म प्र नैतिक रूप से समर्थन करती है।
यहाँ यह स्पष्ट किया जाता है कि टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन AUAB का हिस्सा नहीं है।
इन्ही मांगों को लेकर भारतीय टेलीकॉम एम्प्लाइज यूनियन (BSNL) तथा टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर एसोसिएशन (BSNL) BMS दिनांक 11-10-2019 को भारत संचार भवन पर भोजनावकाश के समय प्रदर्शन कर चुकी है।
हम जायज माँगो का समर्थन करते हैं
कुलदीप आर्य
परिमण्डल सचिव
टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन
यहाँ यह स्पष्ट किया जाता है कि टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन AUAB का हिस्सा नहीं है।
इन्ही मांगों को लेकर भारतीय टेलीकॉम एम्प्लाइज यूनियन (BSNL) तथा टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर एसोसिएशन (BSNL) BMS दिनांक 11-10-2019 को भारत संचार भवन पर भोजनावकाश के समय प्रदर्शन कर चुकी है।
हम जायज माँगो का समर्थन करते हैं
कुलदीप आर्य
परिमण्डल सचिव
टेलीकॉम ऑफिसर्स एसोसिएशन
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
TOA BSNL MP requests all not to forward Fake/Unconfirmed news
Dear all employees of BSNL,it is quite clear that BSNL is going through a tough phase waiting for process of revival etc.
Recently on 07th Oct 2019 ,the Union Home Minister and Chairman of Group of ministers on Revival of BSNL – MTNL Sh Amit Shah along with Union Railway Minister Sh Piyush Goyal visited the BMS head quarters at Thengadi Bhavan New Delhi. BMS President Sh C K Sajjinarain, General Secretary Sh Virjesh Upadhyay, Organising Secretary Sh Surendran, North Zone in-charge Sh Pawan Kumar ji and ITEF Secretary General Sh Ratnesh Kumar & other top office bearers of BMS welcomed the hon’ble ministers. Revival issue of BSNL/MTNL was also discussed in the meeting. During the discussions, Hon’ble Sh Amit Shah ji assured that revival of these both telcos is on top priority agenda of the Hon’ble PM. There is no plan of disinvestment or selling out the MTNL/BSNL.
Further it was informed that these PSUs will be merged after the revival process is completed. The Secretary General ITEF requested the Hon’ble Home Minister to consider 3rd PRC also. Hon’ble Minister hopes that that revival and other issues of employees will be resolved within one month
Just a few days after this update some Negative news started coming in the market stating Closure of BSNL -MTNL.
The report of Financial Express regarding fate of BSNL/MTNL is the main talking issue now. It seems the intention of this article is to shaken subscriber confidence as well to weaken worker's resilience. There are numerous reasons to believe that this is a heavily paid news with deeply rooted strategic interests.
1) Throughout the article no authentic source for the above news mentioned. Everything faceless. We all came across this type of news regarding closing down of BSNL just before P K Mishra joining at PMO. But subsequently the CNBC-Awaz news broadcasted a contrary report in favour of BSNL/MTNL revival. This news supplied fresh oxygen to the market, subscriber as well as employees.
2) So the timing is very much noticeable : with the cnbc-awaz positive report, MTNL shares entered in green zone after so many days/years. In a single day more than 20% increase was never happened in MTNL history. Naturally the perpetrators sees RED.
3) AGR of last quarter shows encouraging turn around of BSNL. So the perpetrators sees RED.
4) Recent news reports of Ministers visiting Labour Organisation office with positive assurances also started boosting up the confidence of employees. So the perpetrators see RED.
It is very much true that Telecom Business in India today is very much fragile with huge debt on the shoulder of operators. In this scenario the old business mantra holds good - 'Competitors loss is my gain'. It is also fact that any business runs on mutual trust & any dent on trust/confidence may be detrimental for business.
This is very much unfortunate that in this juncture those who are supposed to lead the organisation (Administration & Uninon) with positive attitudes are totally mum.
So ... it is high time for each & every employee to be more strong & resilient. Everyone should be more dedicated towards the customers cause. Everyone have to run an extra mile to give a befitting reply to the conspirators. Let them show that it is not so easy to break the moral & strength of such an organisation of National Importance.
So it is once again requested to please avoid posting/forwarding unauthenticated/demoralising news which in turn helps the conspirators.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Revival Update - PMO Meeting today dated 26.09.2019
It is learnt from reliable sources that in a meeting convened by PMO for discussing about Revival,a committee is formed to check practicality of BSNL Revival and submit a report by Monday.There was a positive discussion on the issue of VRS above 50 Years of age,4G Spectrum Allocation,formation of SPV for repaying loans.Once the report get submitted to PMO by Monday,the cabinet will take decision on Revival.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
CS TOAMP writes to CGMT MP Telecom Circle not to execute any Longest Stay transfer in the Cadre of JTO/SDE/AGM till 31 March 2020
CS TOA MP Sh Kuldeep Arya wrote to Hon CGMT MP Telecom Circle ,Dr Mahesh Shukla regarding Holding of Longest Stay transfer in the Cadre of JTO/SDE/AGM with the request to :-
1} To Hold any Fresh Longest stay Govt Cost transfers till March 2020
2} Relieve all the Executives who were already transferred as per longest stay orders issued previously but are retained till Dec 2019 .Infact these may be utilized to consider request transfer of Executive from rural to Urban areas.
Background for writing letter
This letter was written subsequently after issue of letter from O/o GM HR and Admin CO Bhopal whereby it is instructed to all SSA Heads to prepare Longest Stay list in the Cadre of JTOs/SDEs/AGMs by 30.09.2019.
Reasons for Non Execution of Govt Cost Long stay transfer in cadre of Executives
At this juncture
This is very surprising that in MP Circle ,the transfer and posting takes place through out the year and latest letter is the best example of the same.On the one hand when Salary are getting delayed,Bsnl not in the position to honour the payment in even very important and emergency heads like EB,Rent,Vendor,HKSetc ,any expenditure in the transfer and posting head in unjustified and burdensome.
As per BSNL transfer Policy all the Longest Stay Transfers are effected during March and April every Year.Due to extremely poor Financial position of the BSNL ,this year BSNL CO issued instructions Letter Dtd 14.03.19 and 29.05.2019 to adopt certaineconomy measures and clearly instructed to refrain from any type of Govt Cost Orders so as to avoid any further financial burden on the company.
Looking at the latest development in transfer in MP Circle , an havoc is prevailing amongst the Executive of MP Circle, as this is not the right time to issue any Fresh Longest stay orders as it will be in Mid Session and would lead to hardship amongst the families of Executives w.r.t. school admissions of wards etc , particularly when the date of Next salary itself is not clear.Any transfer at this juncture will further burden them and will also demotivate them.
In view of the above ,Even many of the circles have stopped all the process of Govt Cost transfers till 31 March 2020.Haryana Circle instructed all its SSA Head to Hold all Govt Cost transfers up to 31 March 2020.Similar step is expected from MP Telecom Circle too.
The Executives Association’s Membership Verification notification is due in Nov 2019 .Any transfer and posting on Longest stay basis would unnecessarily put Executives who are also proposed Voters of this MV under pressure and will affect Voters in favour of particular Association.Infact this Association feels that the latest Longest stay list letter is issued due to the undue pressures purposely created by the Main and support Associations on MP Circle in order to mitigate the rising strength of other small participating Associations.
The same concern is being shown by many of our members also.In view of upcoming MV, it will not be fair to have such Longest stay Transfers operated just before MV as it will be against providing level Playing field to all .
Through out this year MP Circle has issued many order for providing immunity retention up to Dec 2019 as such many executives are already under transfer and the same may be utilized to entertain only very needed own cost transferswithout putting any financial burden and it will be justified also, as if longest stay list transfers are operated before relieving these executives ,it will not be a true Longest stay transfer as these executives will still remain on the top of longest stay until they get relieved .All these Executives who are on retention on their due dates in Dec 2019 are to be relieved to replace own cost transfer cases from Rural to Urban.
We have full faith in Hon CGMT MP and that he will look into the matter and will act in the most Unbiased Manner .
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CS TOABSNL Letter to Hon CGMT MP Pg 1 |
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CS TOABSNL Letter to Hon CGMT MP Pg 2 |
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CS TOABSNL Letter to Hon CGMT MP Pg 3 |
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Sr GM HR and Admin Letter of furnishing stay list pg |
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GM HR and Admin Letter of furnishing stay list pg 1 |
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BSNL CO Letter On Economy Measures Dated 14.03.19 |
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BSNL CO Letter on Economy measures dtd 29.05.19 |
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Haryana Circle Letter for holding all Govt Cost Transfer till 31 March 2020 |
Saturday, September 21, 2019
GS TOABSNL demanded immediate Preparation of SDE Seniority LIST 9
GS TOA BSNL demanded Independent Inquiry from CBI alongwith departmental enquiry into the matter related to alleged Suicide of AO at WTR,Bhopal,MP
Our GS Shri Anil Kumar Tiwari wrote to CMD BSNL for Independent Inquiry from CBI along with detail departmental enquiry into the matter related to alleged Suicide of AO at WTR,Bhopal,MP.
Copy of the said letter also given to Sc/st Commision New Delhi for necessary action
The contents of the letter
With reference to the above cited subject matter this is to bring to your kind information that on 14 Sep 2019,Sh Arjun Gohil ,an Account Officer posted at WTR Bhopal,M.P. found hanged in his office. It is very unfortunate that his Death Case was being linked with Non Payment of Salary by GS of one of Recognized Association either without taking the cognizance of the whole matter in a hurry or purposefully overlooking the true scenario just for sake of creating undue pressure on Management to pay Salary on time.
The technology he might have used to jump to the conclusion while sitting thousands of kilometers away from the incidence place is beyond comprehension because of following reasons ;-
1] No suicide Note being recovered by Police stating the facts being conveyed by the GS of some Association.
2] The Police investigation has not even reached it’s conclusions ,infact it is only at its preliminary stage.
3] Also that merely finding a person hanged does not necessarily mean that it is a suicide case.It might be possible that Somebody might have forced him to work against the rules forcing him to take this step or somebody might have murdered him and hanged him afterwards.
4] Committing Suicide for the sake of delayed payment of salary by the level of officer of AO is not digestible as their are many employees in BSNL who are not getting salary of the level of an Account Officer and even having great liabilities but not a single case is being reported throughout India.
The above is written without any prejudice/disrespect towards any Association but just to highlight and object the great blunder being done by the responsible Top Leader of recognized Executives’ Association of BSNL just for sake of creating pressure on management.Although we resent the very move of management to delay the salaries of lakhs of employees.Being a recognized Executives’ Association they have several avenues to express their concern for delayed salary payments but using the name of a deceased Executive is not welcomed at all , in fact it will dilute the exact cause of death.We all have to rethink whether such steps will be in the best interest of BSNL employees and will impart true justice to the family comprising of Wife, 3 Daughters and one 7 years old Son and to the departed soul who left at the Age of merely 41 years.
It is learnt that he was under severe stress being mounted by certain Contractor who were also assisted by some Association Top Leader to pass certain Pre dated Bills before the advent of GST. The role of these contractors,their agents,and other Top Officers need to be investigated from Vigilance point of View.It has come to the knowledge of this association that these vested interest people are trying to mold the case in their favour by relating the case with Financial position of the deceased.
There may be many versions but Whatever may be the reason, it requires a detailed investigation .An investigation of level of CVO and Independent Agency like CBI apart from Police investigation is what that is needed as the incident took place in the exchange premises without any suicide note and that too on Second Saturday.
The severity of issue further increases as it relates to atrocity against a person belonging to ST Community.
You are,therefore, requested to look into the matter and arrange for an independent enquiry from CBI along with detail departmental enquiry to ensure confidence among executives working in adverse situations and also expedite the process of providing the due financial assistance to the family.
Copy of the said letter also given to Sc/st Commision New Delhi for necessary action
The contents of the letter
With reference to the above cited subject matter this is to bring to your kind information that on 14 Sep 2019,Sh Arjun Gohil ,an Account Officer posted at WTR Bhopal,M.P. found hanged in his office. It is very unfortunate that his Death Case was being linked with Non Payment of Salary by GS of one of Recognized Association either without taking the cognizance of the whole matter in a hurry or purposefully overlooking the true scenario just for sake of creating undue pressure on Management to pay Salary on time.
The technology he might have used to jump to the conclusion while sitting thousands of kilometers away from the incidence place is beyond comprehension because of following reasons ;-
1] No suicide Note being recovered by Police stating the facts being conveyed by the GS of some Association.
2] The Police investigation has not even reached it’s conclusions ,infact it is only at its preliminary stage.
3] Also that merely finding a person hanged does not necessarily mean that it is a suicide case.It might be possible that Somebody might have forced him to work against the rules forcing him to take this step or somebody might have murdered him and hanged him afterwards.
4] Committing Suicide for the sake of delayed payment of salary by the level of officer of AO is not digestible as their are many employees in BSNL who are not getting salary of the level of an Account Officer and even having great liabilities but not a single case is being reported throughout India.
The above is written without any prejudice/disrespect towards any Association but just to highlight and object the great blunder being done by the responsible Top Leader of recognized Executives’ Association of BSNL just for sake of creating pressure on management.Although we resent the very move of management to delay the salaries of lakhs of employees.Being a recognized Executives’ Association they have several avenues to express their concern for delayed salary payments but using the name of a deceased Executive is not welcomed at all , in fact it will dilute the exact cause of death.We all have to rethink whether such steps will be in the best interest of BSNL employees and will impart true justice to the family comprising of Wife, 3 Daughters and one 7 years old Son and to the departed soul who left at the Age of merely 41 years.
It is learnt that he was under severe stress being mounted by certain Contractor who were also assisted by some Association Top Leader to pass certain Pre dated Bills before the advent of GST. The role of these contractors,their agents,and other Top Officers need to be investigated from Vigilance point of View.It has come to the knowledge of this association that these vested interest people are trying to mold the case in their favour by relating the case with Financial position of the deceased.
There may be many versions but Whatever may be the reason, it requires a detailed investigation .An investigation of level of CVO and Independent Agency like CBI apart from Police investigation is what that is needed as the incident took place in the exchange premises without any suicide note and that too on Second Saturday.
The severity of issue further increases as it relates to atrocity against a person belonging to ST Community.
You are,therefore, requested to look into the matter and arrange for an independent enquiry from CBI along with detail departmental enquiry to ensure confidence among executives working in adverse situations and also expedite the process of providing the due financial assistance to the family.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP felicitated Sh K P Singh,Pradesh Mahamantri BMS MP
In a program organised at Ujjain under banner of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh Ujjain on the occasion of Rashtriya Shram Diwas, Sh Kuldeep Arya ,CS TOABSNL MP felicitated Sh K P Singh,Pradesh Mahamantri BMS MP, Sh V N Rai Organizing Secretary ,BMS CHQ.He was accompanied by Sh Amitesh Tiwari ,Dist Secretary TOA BSNL Ujjain ,Sh R K Dixit ,Ex CS BTEU BSNL MP,Sh Vijay Pandya ,Org Secretary ITEF and others.
Sh R K Dixit,Ex CS BTEU BSNL MP garlanding Sh V N Rai,Org Secy,BMS CHQ
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Sh Kuldeep Arya CS TOABSNL MP felicitating Sh K P Singh Pradesh Mahamantri BMS MP |
Sh R K Dixit,Ex CS BTEU BSNL MP garlanding Sh V N Rai,Org Secy,BMS CHQ
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Sh K P Singh garlanding Vishwakarma ji |
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Huge Gathering |
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Sh Kuldeep Arya,CS TOAMP ,Sh Amitesh Tiwari DS TOA Ujjain,Sh R K Dixit Ex CS BTEU MP,Sh Vijay Pandya,Org Secy ITEF |
Monday, September 16, 2019
Recent Update - False Claims made by constituents of AUAB..
Dear Friends, As it is very well known that AUAB Partners were Against VRS and any Revival Package , but it is due to BMS affiliated Union/Association BTEU BSNL BMS and TOA BSNL BMS's Meeting With Hon'ble MOC Sh Ravi Shankar Prasad ji ,the Government and Communication Ministry got Ready for Revival Package which includes providing 4G Spectrum Etc.
Now this Revival Package is in Final Stage these so called recognized Associations are Claiming that it is due to their pressure the Government Changed Idea and provided Revival Package.
But they are unable to tell how many times they met MOC or DOT Secretary for Revival and also unable to show the persuasion of the Letters Written by Them with MOC etc.Both Association Writing that For Revival Package High Level Political Decision Required. Who Can Do Political Pressure for High Level Political Decision. Plz Think. Only and Only BMS/ITEF/BTEU BSNL/ TOA BSNL.
Also now they have started saying that BSNL Revival Will be a Political Decision at Highest Level.
But, It is solely due to the pressure and persuasion of BMS on the request of , TOA BSNL BMS and BTEU BSNL BMS ,that Hon Home Minister Sri Amit Shah ji and Communication Minister Sri Ravi Shankar Prasad ji got agree for Revival plan for BSNL.
The same thing can be verified from the statements of AUAB leaders where they are saying that they are trying to meet MOC.But the central question in the entire scenario is that WHY THESE SO CALLED RECOGNIZED UNION/ASSOCIATION OF BSNL UNDER BANNER OF AUAB NOT GOING FOR MASS DEMONSTRATION IN FAVOUR OF THEIR DEMANDS AND SIMPLY TRYING TO MEET HON MOC .Both Associations are Writing that For Revival Package High Level Political Decision Required. Who Can Do Political Pressure for High Level Political Decision. Plz Think. Only and Only BMS/ITEF/BTEU BSNL/ TOA BSNL.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
TOA BSNL MP wishes a Happy Engineers Day to All
TOA BSNL MP wishes all Engineers from every nook and corners of India ,who are contributing daily towards the society by their creative and innovative Ideas,A Happy Engineers day.The Engineering Community across India is celebrating Engineers Day on 15 September every year as a remarkable tribute to the greatest Indian Engineer Bharat Ratna Visvesvaraya. He is held in high regard as a pre-eminent engineer of India.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sh Ajay Kr Mishra nominated as District Convener of TOA BSNLSatna
Circle secretary TOA BSNL MP Sh Kuldeep Arya nominated Sh Ajay Mishra ,SDE Commercial and Marketing Satna as District Convener Satna SSA with the consent of Sh Anil Kr Tiwari ,GS TOA CHQ.TOA BSNL MP congratulates Sh Ajay Mishra and also hope that TOA BSNL Satna will reach new heights under his leadership.See Letter Attached...
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Meeting of Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP with Sh Anil Firoziya ji Hon Member of Parliament Ujjain
On dated 11 Sep 2019 Sh Kuldeep Arya,Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP met Sh Anil Firoziya,Hon Member of Parliament Ujjain to discuss the issues related to Revival and Survival of BSNL and also to intervene in the matter related to delay in payment of Salaries to employees of BSNL and other problems faced by field officer due non payment of Electricity Bills ,rent payments and vendor payments.He showed a great concern towards the problems and assured to discuss the issues with Hon MOC on his visit to New Delhi within next 2-3 days.
The CS TOA MP was accompanied by CS BTEU BSNL Sh Vijendra Singh Chauhan,Org Secy ITEF Sh Vijay Kr Pandya and other OBs of Association.
The CS TOA MP was accompanied by CS BTEU BSNL Sh Vijendra Singh Chauhan,Org Secy ITEF Sh Vijay Kr Pandya and other OBs of Association.
CS TOABSNL MP written to Hon GM Finance C.O. Bhopal regarding issue of joining date discrepancy of new JAOs
The new JAOs after completion of their Training on 02.8.19 at NATFM Hyderabad...
Joined MP circle on 05.08.19...
On 9th CO Bpl issued their posting order and based on these posting orders these new JAOs joined at their respective place of posting on 13th August 2019.
There seems to be no fault on the part of these JAOs as they have followed whatever orders are issued to them be it Training center or MP Telecom Circle.
It will be a loss to them as their colleagues in other circles got joining on 5th Aug 2019 itself .
Sh Kuldeep Arya,Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP had a talk with DGM SEA section CO Bhopal and also with Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal regarding the hardship being faced by these JAOs . Both were very positive and assured to get the issue resolved at the earliest.Finally Sh Abhay Kr Patekar Working Circle President met Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal on 11 Se p 2019 and handed over the letter written by Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP to him.He again assured to get the issue resolved at the earliest.TOA BSNL MP conveys regards to Hon GM Finance to have such sympathetic approach towards problem of New JAOs.Such kind of action will help to create a good image of BSNL amongst the mind of these new JAOs.
Letter to Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal pg 1
Letter to Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal pg 2
Joined MP circle on 05.08.19...
On 9th CO Bpl issued their posting order and based on these posting orders these new JAOs joined at their respective place of posting on 13th August 2019.
There seems to be no fault on the part of these JAOs as they have followed whatever orders are issued to them be it Training center or MP Telecom Circle.
It will be a loss to them as their colleagues in other circles got joining on 5th Aug 2019 itself .
Sh Kuldeep Arya,Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP had a talk with DGM SEA section CO Bhopal and also with Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal regarding the hardship being faced by these JAOs . Both were very positive and assured to get the issue resolved at the earliest.Finally Sh Abhay Kr Patekar Working Circle President met Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal on 11 Se p 2019 and handed over the letter written by Circle Secretary TOA BSNL MP to him.He again assured to get the issue resolved at the earliest.TOA BSNL MP conveys regards to Hon GM Finance to have such sympathetic approach towards problem of New JAOs.Such kind of action will help to create a good image of BSNL amongst the mind of these new JAOs.
Letter to Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal pg 1
Letter to Hon GM Finance CO Bhopal pg 2
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Receiving of the said letter on Dated 11 sep 2019
Important Update on the issue of Letter written by GM S & M C.O. Bhopal
On 11 Sep 2019 Sh Abhay kr Patekar Working President TOA BSNL MP represented in a meeting with Hon CGMT MP Circle Bhopal along with other Associations to protest against the move of S & M against SDE Mktg...
Finally Hon CGMT MP assured to take back the said disputed letter.
Meanwhile the protest have started coming up in the form of strong replies from all Over India.One such letter is written by PGM Faridabad to CGM Haryana Circle stating that Director CM should stop threatening the SSAs but to motivate and encourage the teams in such critical times when we are not able honour EB Bills,Vendor payment,rent agreements etc.We will not leave this matter and will enquire into the matter to see who are actually behind such type of advice to Director CM.Our CHQ is fully determined to defeat this sinister move of management to de motivate SDE Cadre.
Finally Hon CGMT MP assured to take back the said disputed letter.
Meanwhile the protest have started coming up in the form of strong replies from all Over India.One such letter is written by PGM Faridabad to CGM Haryana Circle stating that Director CM should stop threatening the SSAs but to motivate and encourage the teams in such critical times when we are not able honour EB Bills,Vendor payment,rent agreements etc.We will not leave this matter and will enquire into the matter to see who are actually behind such type of advice to Director CM.Our CHQ is fully determined to defeat this sinister move of management to de motivate SDE Cadre.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
TOABSNL MP condemns the Move of S & M C O Bhopal to make SDE Marketing a scapegoat for Sim sale Target failures
The S & M C.O. Bhopal have recently issued some letters to SSA Heads Like Gwalior, Raisen and other SSAs asking them to seek explanation from SDE Marketing of their SSA with a view to deduct 3 days Salary for not achieving the SIM Sale Targets.
In these letters a special reference was mentioned regarding Director CM instructions whereby it is mentioned in the aforesaid letters that strict punitive action has to be taken against 3 bottom most SSAs .
When TOABSNL MP Circle investigated further into the matter it has come to knowledge that Director CM has written a D.O. Letter All Circle Heads on Dated 03.09.2019 where by it is instructed to all Circle Heads to seek written explanation from 5 worst Performing SSAs and analysis of these explanation is to be done at CGM Level.Further it is asked in this said D.O. to convey the same to Director CM or if this is not done then strict action to be taken against SSA HEADs and /or Sales Unit in CIRCLE OFFICE Including Disallowing of One week Salary or issue of Displeasure Note against the SSA Heads and /or Sales Unit in CIRCLE OFFICE.
At the very first the move of S & M M P Circle seems just to save the SSA Heads or Sales unit of Circle Office because the instructions contained in the said DO letter are not complied in a true spirit.TOABSNL condemns the said Move of S &M CO Bhopal to make scapegoat of Only SDE Marketing...This will no way going to boost the Morale of hard working Executive who are working day and night to Sale Franchisees SIM...Infact it would have been welcomed if similar action be initiated against Channel Partners too...
Instead of asking explanation from SSA Heads/Circle Sales Unit and conveying same to Director CM after analysis ...The SSA Heads/Circle Sales Unit are given clean cheat as if for entire failure the SDE Marketing alone is responsible..What about the failure of Circle Sales Team and SSA Heads and why not Channel Partner.
You cannot make a single man scapegoat for the system failure. It's a collective failure. All are equally responsible. How can someone fix responsibility like this???
We also condemns the Double standard being adopted by MP Telecom Circle,as on one hand MP Circle is organizing "HAME NAAZ HAI INPE" whereby Photos of Only SSA Heads/Head of Units are displayed at CO Bhopal stating that they have Topped in SIM Sale , Minimum BTS Downtime etc.. Although it is not due to efforts of Single Person but due to team efforts as a whole and On the other hand putting the blame of Failure on Single person.If SSA Heads/Circle Sales Unit is appreciated for Successful completion of targets why they are not held responsible for shortfall /failure to meet these targets..
These type of actions against Real Work Force will only create further stress and will reduce morale and motivation.
TOABSNL MP condemns this action of S & M CO Bhopal and demand immediate withdrawal of the said letters and also request MP Telecom Circle to look into the matter and resolve it in a justified manner .
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Letter To TDE Raisen for action against SDE Marketing Raisen |
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Letter To GMTD Gwalior for action against SDE Marketing Raisen |
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D.O. Letter from Director CM page 1 |
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